Winter Writings – Prose Bowl V

We closed out 2015 with one last bout in the Prose Bowl.  Thanks to another tip of the cap from the Grey Lady, and a touch of counter scheduling with the opening of the new Star Wars movie, we packed the house again down at Pete’s.

Our host opened the show with a quick quiz, featuring Prose Bowl inspired summaries of your favorite holiday songs. To wit:

Creative adaptation will ensure the survival of the fittest, vis-a-vis bioluminescence.  

– Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

From there we dove right into the stories.  Tim bought us to Vietnam for the holiday season, and Mike discussed a couple of his wives.  Rebecca showed us a CIA agent coming home, and PJ hung out with a duck.

Our panel went straight into deliberations.  The panel itself was a bit of a holiday miracle: a reunion of our very first Prose Bowl, featuring Jordan Zolan and Katie Duennebier.


After the debates were quelled with libations, Tim and PJ were chosen to go into the lightning round.  The competition was tight and terse, but in the end PJ came out the winner with this turn of phrase:

The horny teen marched away from the cabin into the dark woods, alone. Never knowing this is a horror story.


His reward for his victory?  A socktapuss, and a singing dreidel!

Thank you to everyone who came out, and everyone who made 2015 such an amazing year for us.  We have big plans for 2016 as the bowl expands, so keep and eye out, and keep the pen going, friends.  We’ll see you over the horizon!


Holiday Bowl…of Prose

Light a candle, kill a tree, roast some beef, and prep your lightsaber.  The Holidays are upon us, and so is the Prose Bowl.  Our first holiday show is actually on a Thursday rather than a regular Tuesday, so make sure to update your calendars.

Our writers will take to the stage the day before The Force Awakens comes to theaters by way of J.J. Abram’s team of bad robots.  We’ve been trying to work out how to add lens flares to our show, and we haven’t worked it out quite yet, but trust me, we’ll get there.

One way or another, block the Mariah Carey cycling on the radio, ignore the Love Actually apologists, and get thee to a keyboard, my consiglieres in craft.  It’s time again to forge a terse tale, and bellow it into the expanding night.

The last Prose Bowl of 2015, ya’ll.  We’ll see you there!

Thursday, December 17th @ 6:30 pm

Pete’s Candy Store – 702 Lorimer Street.

Want to perform? Check this out!  Trying to work out what this all is? Check here!